Saturday 14 June 2014

                                                    awesome beach resorts

Thursday 12 June 2014

                                        "The marine life"in lakshadweep oceans....

                                   Tuna fishing by the experts in Lakshadweep...

Wednesday 11 June 2014

"Ship departing passengers in small boats" this is the way of departing when ship reaches islands.

Tuesday 10 June 2014


                                       This is a vessel carrying domestic goods.

"GATEWAY TO LAKSHADWEEP"...Only airport in lakshadweep situated in agatti island service from kochi to agatti
MV.Star Libra a cruise ship that  will reach with the foreign tourist every Tuesday and Saturday,its service limited to one of the island only. 

There is an island called "Pitti" an uninhabited coral islet this is an a home island to the migrating birds.

       NIOT plant in lakshadweep. Plant produces about 2.5lakh litre water a day. 
                                                 HISTORY OF LAKSHADWEEP
A group of islands situated in Arabian sea that is 200 to 440 kilometres off the south western cost of India.In the 16th century the Portuguese ruled the seas between Ormuz and the Malabar Coast -and down to Ceylon. As early as 1498 they took control of the archipelago (called Laquedivas by them), later on to exploit coir production, until the islanders expelled them in 1545. In the 17th century, the islands came under the rule of Ali Rajahs/Arakkal Bheevi of Kannur, who received them as a gift from the Kolathiris. The islands are also mentioned in great detail in the stories of the Arab traveller Ibn Batuta.

The Aminidivi group of islands (Amini, Kadmat, Kiltan, Chetlat and Bitra) came under the rule of Tipu Sultan in 1787. They passed to British control after the Third Anglo-Mysore War and were attached to South Canara. The rest of the islands came under thesuzerainty of the Arakkal family of Cannanore in return for a payment of annual tribute. The British took over the administration of those islands for non-payment of arrears. These islands were attached to the Malabar district of the Madras Presidency during theBritish Raj.
In 1956, during the reorganization of Indian states, the Lakshadweep islands were organized into a separate union territory for administrative purposes.
To safeguard India's vital shipping lanes to the Middle East, and the growing relevance of the islands in security considerations, an Indian Navy base, INS Dweeprakshak, was commissioned on Kavaratti island.

Monday 9 June 2014

Modern high speed vessel that connects mainland and island within 8 hours ordinary ship will take 24 hour to reach the island from mainland.It can carry 150 passengers
         Local fishing yacht,this are made by their own hand by the people of Lakshadweep 
                        Definitly "THE OLD IS GOLD".ship used by the lakshadweep people in old days

                    "Kuthu ratheeb".This is a ritual performed by a section of  muslim        population of Lakshadweep                       

The tallest light house in India is located in Minicoy island and this is one of the island in lakshadweep
MV.Lakshadweep sea.This is the latest ship in lakshadweep clicked at the time of its born voyage   

MV.Tipu Sulthan.This ship is the oldest ship in the history of lakshadweep.

Local ship that connects mainland by seaways

This are the coral reefs in the deep blue sea of lakshadweep.
      This is one of the island in Lakshadweep that is inhabitant for years its name is Suhali.this island is protected by the Indian government
            Lakshadweep is the amazing coral paradise of India.